A long time ago when humans were oblivious to the technology. The only mode of communication that existed was in the form of some living messenger and coordination while traveling was quite a tumultuous job, no GPS to trace your current location and no active means to share it right then and there.

Embed, Expand and Evolve

Since the invention of first telephone humans tried to evolve the simple technology over a certain period. To put it in perspective humanity is the laziest species on the planet. We delved into the luxury for our ease. 5G is the modern world’s dilemma communication is done in a millisecond; our messages get delivered on the other side of the hemisphere in 100th part of a second.

The industrial revolution has brought us the world we live in a world where time is a sacred entity a world where distances have shrunk, we make impossible possible.

Voice: Where you want it when you need it

Not all heroes wear capes; some are coders like Andy Powers, who spend their life designing a better future.

He founded the Entrepreneurial project Clique, which is a novelty in the API marketplace and a Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) company.

It brings powerful voice technology to productivity tools that corporations are utilizing daily, through its CliqueAPI™. Users of platforms like Salesforce or Slack will add colleagues to calls merely, and directly by sharing a link.

We have you covered

Its CPaaS genus Apis and merchandise bring HD quality voice wherever shoppers and business need it. Clique’s simple to use SDKs and genus Apis create it easy for businesses to supply secure and economical communications by desegregation voice, messaging, and alternative technologies across multiple platforms and finish points.

Our platform makes it doable to use voice no matter format, application setting, package, device, or location.

Every conversation matters.

Wherever you are you do not have to worry about the essence and extent of business calls Clique has you covered. This delivery solution facilitates people all over the world to develop connection points within utility that rules.

March to succession

CEO of the organization at Red Herring after winning the Best Enterprise Award stated: “We tend to but aid each set client to improve their enterprise through our technology answer, we assure the world this is simply the start as we commence to proceed within the CPaaS trade.”