Being a city in Austria and a center for quite a lot of historical attention, there are a lot of reasons to visit Salzburg. Even if you were just planning to stop a day or two at this city, there is a lot the city has to offer to a passing tourist.

Nevertheless, if you’re a tourist, you’re probably going to be very unfamiliar with the city and would need quite a bit of help getting around. But before you go out of your way to book an expensive tour around the city, might I divert your attention to free walking tours Salzburg?

Free tour? Seriously??

Yes, seriously. The fact of the matter is, a group of locals were unhappy at the present condition of tour guides and tour programs in their city, and being enthusiastic travelers themselves, decided to band together to provide their clients the best possible tour of Salzburg, free of charge.

Their mission is simple: to connect with their clients, and help them connect to the city, making their trip to Salzburg an experience they won’t ever forget.

Profit doesn’t interest these local enthusiasts, not as much seeing your satisfied faces at the end of the day and having connected with you at a deeper level than they ever could have if they charged you for their services.

What you’ll gain out of the experience

You’re going to be shown around the city by locals who know Salzburg like the back of the hand, so you can be sure no famous spots will be overlooked; Salzburg Cathedral, Schloss Hellburn, Mirabell Palace, these are only a few of the places you’ll visit on tour and, you can be sure anything worth seeing will be visited on the tour.

As a bonus, you’d even get to explore a few hidden viewpoints in the city, ones only a travel enthusiast like your guide could have pointed out to you. Rest assured that with free walking tours Salzburg, you’re in for an experience of a lifetime.

How you can show your appreciation

Now we want to restress that the tour is free of charge. However, if you feel like the tour was a great experience, you can show your appreciation by tipping your guide.

You don’t have to pay him some fixed amount or percentage, just tip him whatever you think the tour around the city was worth to you.

Besides, it’s the experience and connection he’ll get to take with you on your time together that’s far more valuable to the guide than any sum of money you can tip him.

Happy touring!