When we entered the vacation rental business in 2005 we really did not know much about the vacation rental business so I went out and purchased every book I could find on the subject.

What I learned was that I quickly needed to build a website to get my properties available on the internet. Upon doing so I discovered that I need quality links to my website to get higher rankings.

Upon searching for high-quality links that centered around my website theme vacation tourism and travel I discovered the benefits of linking to my local Chamber of Commerce and local Tourism Board or CVB Convention and Visitors Bureau.

When you join your local Chamber of CVB it will cost you a few hundred dollars to become and member and have the linking abilities to your website. But as members of these great community-based associations, you are also entitled to other benefits associated with them. You may get discounted health benefits inclusion in their press releases as a featured business of the month advertising discounts and much much more.

After I had paid my dues to become a member of my Chamber and CVB I saw my website referrals from these association websites skyrocket. Each month these sites refer hundreds of clients to my website search for accommodation in my area.

In addition to the many other benefits that you will receive by joining these great associations, you will get massive traffic or referrals to your personal vacation rental website.

We have even partnered with these associations to sponsor many area festivals and events which drives additional visitors to our vacation rental business. In fact; our website traffic is currently up over 425 according to Alexia.com.

Sense starting our vacation rental business and moving closer to our business we have become active members and now sit on the elected boards of each.

I would encourage all vacation rental owners to become members active or not to join their local Chambers and CVBs to enjoy the many benefits that each association offers. This is the best couple hundred dollars that you could spend locally and it benefits your local community as well.